massage table with light blanket


massage, copyright drazen zigic


Stefanie Taupe's massages reach into the deep muscles and dissolve blockages and tensions to relieve pain.

Using kinesiology, the therapist strengthens the subconscious and alleviates physical problems such as lack of energy, stress, digestive problems and much more.
man getting kinesiology treatment, coyright julia jagoditsch

Human energetics

Bioenergetic kinesiology, craniosacral balancing, yoga and breathing work are offered by Julia Jagoditsch. These offers help to integrate more joy, ease and well-being into your life.
The gentle and relaxing energetic treatment methods are suitable for people of all ages and health conditions.

sauna with two men and one woman


The modern sauna facilities include a traditional sauna as well as a herbal sauna – offering an ideal place to give yourself a timeout from your daily routine.

The relaxation room with its cosy and easing ambience invites you to linger and unwind.
self service cafe, table with three chairs and a bar

Self-service Café

A variety of teas, water and other drinks are available for you in our beautiful café.

Payment for your consumption is made at reception.